Home Staging Advice

5 Staging Tips to Attract Millennial Home Buyers

  In 2019 the youngest of the millennials will be turning 23 and the oldest will be 38, this is primetime for…

3 Things Millennials Look for When Buying their First Home

  Millennials are entering into the biggest milestone of their lives where big purchases are in the near future. While more millennials…

5 Millennial Home Buying Trends in 2019

  Although the Millennial generation is facing challenges that often block their ability to purchase a home, more so than any previous…

Why Organizing Your Home Will Help It Sell Faster This Spring

  Presenting potential buyers with a neat, well-organized home is an essential aspect of selling your home quickly this spring season. Here…

Make Your Home Stand Out With These 5 Spring Cleaning Tips

  Spring cleaning is an essential part of making your home stand out. Taking the time to thoroughly clean your home each…

Infographic: Housing Marketing Trends 2008-2019

    Keeping up with the constant changing housing market trends is not an easy task. Every year brings something different, from…

How to Keep Your Home Organized during the Busy Spring Season

  With spring just arriving, many of us are scrambling to get prepped for the spring cleaning season. The thing that your…

A Guide to Decluttering Your Home this Spring

    A Guide to Decluttering Your Home this Spring   With the rise in popularity of the KonMari method (thanks, Marie…

A 2019 Housing Market Guide for Home Builders: Dos and Don’ts

  Home builders have a variety of decisions to make when designing a new home, and keeping up with current trends can…

5 Things to Consider When Designing an In-Law Suite

  Have you been thinking about adding an in-law suite to your home to accommodate a loved one? This endeavor can be…

Baby Boomers: The Dos and Don’ts of Finding the Right Home

  Finding just the right home can be a lengthy process for anyone, and finding or renovating a new space for baby…

Top 3 of the Strongest Predicted Markets for Homebuilders in 2019

Though it’s been a nail-biting ride, the sentiment of homebuilders is looking up from the low it suffered over the last three…

9 Home Staging Trends to Make Your House Sell in 2019

According to a recent survey by Zillow and Pulsenomics, experts predict that the next recession will begin sometime in 2020, with most…

Embrace Nostalgia for Holiday Home Staging

When staging your home this Holiday season, embrace the nostalgic theme to appeal to homebuyers visiting any open houses or scheduled visits….

Holiday Lighting Do’s and Dont’s for Homes on the Market

  Holiday lighting is critical for stagers who are preparing to sell a home at the most beautiful time of the year….

Which Christmas Tree Helps the Sale, Real or Artificial?

  Christmas trees are a centuries-old tradition, but sellers may wonder whether to even have one while their home is on the…

Competent Home Staging Means More Money for Builders

  Building a home is a multidimensional process. Architects, contractors, carpenters, plumbers, roofers, surveyors, painters and so many more experts are needed…

Curb Appeal for the Holidays

There are several focal points to consider when staging a home for potential buyers. Curb appeal is a critical selling point when…

Tasteful Autumn Decor Ideas for Your Staged Home

The Autumn season has fallen upon the Carolina states. As the neighborhoods begin to change color, frost blankets the lawns, and the…

Avoid These Home Staging Mistakes in the Fall

  Most homes go up for sale in the spring, according to the financial website Motley Fool; however, selling in fall can…