Tag: Staging Tips

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Sell Your Home “As-Is”

  You’ve decided it’s time to put your home on the market. Great timing! It’s a seller’s market here in Charlotte, and…

How to Stage Around: Dated Tile

  Sometimes home staging is simple: De-clutter the bookshelves, rearrange the furniture, and maybe put a fresh coat of paint in the…

4 Tips for Selling an Imperfect Home

  Maybe you think your home is perfect or maybe you’re under no illusion it’s without flaws. The truth is, every home…

3 Upgrades to Make Before Selling Your House

  In a market as hot as Charlotte’s, it can be tempting to try and sell your home “as is.” And while…

How to Stage Before a Busy Open House

  You know you need to stage your home. Studies have shown again and again that staging your home before it goes…

When in the Selling Process Should You Stage Your Home?

You’re selling your home. You know you need to stage, but when? Staging is a critical part of the process if you…

Neighborhood-by-Neighborhood Staging Tips for Charlotte Home Sellers

Selling in Charlotte? It’s important to remember that all Charlotte home buyers are not the same! Creative Home Stagers have been staging…

Why First Impressions Matter Most in a Seller’s Market

They always matter, of course, but first impressions are never more important than in a seller’s market. When inventory is tight, sellers…

Staging: 3 Wall Decor Ideas

  This is a guest post by our friend Stacey at http://www.canvaspress.com/. Staging your home to sell is stressful, but it can…

3 Tips to Stage a Child’s Bedroom

Staging your home is a great way to get top-dollar and sell fast. At Creative Home Stagers, we’ve staged hundreds of homes…

Why Should I Stage When I Know My House Will Get Multiple Offers?

There’s no denying: Charlotte is a seller’s market right now. That’s great news for sellers! More flexibility, more return-on-investment, and more offers…

How a Pre-Market Inspection Can Save Your Home Sale

Should you get an inspection before you put your house on the market? In Charlotte, many Realtors say “yes!” At Creative Home…

Crunching the Numbers: The True Value of Home Staging

Staging statistics are hard to come by. Why? Because every single market is different. Staging can be incredibly expensive in large metropolitan…

3 Places You Should Be Cleaning Your Staged Home But Probably Aren’t

You know you need to keep your home clean when it’s on the market, but did you clean it correctly? If you’ve…

Staging Your Home on a Budget

The number one barrier to staging? Cost! At least, that’s how most homeowners see it. There’s a common misconception about staging that…

4 Things to Get Rid of When You’re Staging Your Home

Staging is as much about what’s not in your home as it is about what is. Before your house goes on the…

3 Unique Ways to Stage Your Bookcase

Don’t let your bookcases sabotage your sale! Whether you’ve got a makeshift home library or a set of beautiful built-ins in your…

Keeping Your Carpets Clean During the Busy Home Sale Season

Presenting a clean home when you’re trying to sell is important, and now that spring is here, so is the busy home…

4 Tips for Showcasing Space in Your Home

When you’re trying to sell your home, it’s important to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. For many people looking for a…

5 Tips for Living in a Staged Home

  So your home is on the market…congratulations! The goal, of course, is that it sells quickly and your family doesn’t have…