

Carpet accounts for over half of America’s flooring market. And for good reason: Carpet is relatively cost-effective, it’s versatile, and it’s cozy on bare feet! Carpet is a smart choice for homes with small kids or in houses that need a little extra sound insulation.

With so much carpet out there, though, some of it’s bound to be ugly. Whether you’ve got seafoam green wall-to-wall or a paisley shag number in just one room, here are Creative Home Stagers’ best tips for staging around bad carpet.


Distract from the Carpet

When carpet replacement isn’t in the cards, try to distract from the offending carpet as best you can. Furniture placement can go a long way to minimizing the amount of carpet visible, and simple window treatments are also an easy way to draw the eye upwards. Just go with something neutral, not something with a design that competes with already-busy carpet. And remember, if your carpet is stained or smelly, you really do need to pony up to switch it out for something fresher.


Change the Wall Color

You’ll be amazed how much new paint can change a room! Ugly carpet’s impact can be tempered by altering the next biggest surface in the room: the walls. Brightening dull walls with a fresh coat of neutral paint goes a long way towards updating the look of a room with dated, dingy carpet. Add a little extra lighting with lamps and you’ve created a cozy sanctuary, not a dark den!


Add More Texture

Carpet is always the most textured part of a room. Adding more texture can take some of the visual impact away from ugly or outdated threads. We like to use upholstered furniture with woven accents where possible, and heavily-textured accessories like throw pillows, too. If curtains are in order, a textured weave always helps balance out unsightly carpet.

There’s bad carpet and then there’s awful carpet. You can get away with staging around bad, unattractive, or even ugly carpet – but you can’t sell a house with truly terrible flooring! If your carpet is the one unforgivable mark on an otherwise beautiful house, invest in replacement and earn the money back two times over when you sell your home faster and for more money.

Need help staging around some less-than-perfect finishes? Creative Home Stagers works with Charlotte sellers looking for everything from full-home staging to quick consultations. If you’ve got bad carpet, an outdated kitchen, or no idea where to start, we’re the first call to make!



Reach out to our talented stagers today for a customized consultation in your home.