Category: Design Tips Category

How to Stage Around: No Natural Light

    You can stage around a variety of home flaws. Bad carpet? You can fix that. Funky layout? You know how…

When to Call the Experts on Eliminating Home Odors

  Home odors can – and do! – sink home sales. No one wants to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars…

How to Stage Around: Bad Wallpaper

    Wallpaper. People either love it or they hate it, but when you’re trying to sell your house, you can’t afford for…

How to Stage Around: An Ugly Yard

At Creative Home Stagers, we’ve talked at length about some of the most common staging issues homeowners run into. We’ve talked about…

How to Stage Around: Dated Appliances

  All appliances date themselves eventually. Today’s stainless steel could be tomorrow’s avocado laminate…dated appliances are one of the most common staging…

When Is Too Much Natural Light a Bad Thing?

  Can too much light be a bad thing? Rarely…but it happens! Natural light is one of the most coveted home features…

How to Stage Around: A Weird Layout

Some staging conundrums are easy. Hot pink guest room? Paint it! Backyard looking like the set of Jumanji? Hire a landscaper! Other…

5 Home Sale Turnoffs You Never Thought Of

Selling a home is never easy. If you’ve ever been a buyer, you know how easy it is to get caught up…

Infographic:  How to Stage an Imperfect Home

Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a “perfect” home. Every home has its flaws, but some may have…

How to Stage Around: Ugly Carpet

  Carpet accounts for over half of America’s flooring market. And for good reason: Carpet is relatively cost-effective, it’s versatile, and it’s…

3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Sell Your Home “As-Is”

  You’ve decided it’s time to put your home on the market. Great timing! It’s a seller’s market here in Charlotte, and…

How to Stage Around: Dated Tile

  Sometimes home staging is simple: De-clutter the bookshelves, rearrange the furniture, and maybe put a fresh coat of paint in the…

4 Tips for Selling an Imperfect Home

  Maybe you think your home is perfect or maybe you’re under no illusion it’s without flaws. The truth is, every home…

4 Marketing Tips to Boost Your Home Sale

    Homes don’t sell themselves. Great Realtors know that creative marketing is the key to selling a home fast and for…

4 Things You (Still) Need to do to Sell in a Hot Market

Hot markets can be deceptive. Although it might seem like all you have to do is stick a For Sale sign in…

3 Upgrades to Make Before Selling Your House

  In a market as hot as Charlotte’s, it can be tempting to try and sell your home “as is.” And while…

How to Stage Before a Busy Open House

  You know you need to stage your home. Studies have shown again and again that staging your home before it goes…

An Invisible Reason Your House Isn’t Selling

Has your home been sitting on the market for months and months? If you can’t figure out why it’s not selling, it’s…

When in the Selling Process Should You Stage Your Home?

You’re selling your home. You know you need to stage, but when? Staging is a critical part of the process if you…

Neighborhood-by-Neighborhood Staging Tips for Charlotte Home Sellers

Selling in Charlotte? It’s important to remember that all Charlotte home buyers are not the same! Creative Home Stagers have been staging…