

Spending the time and funds to stage your home before sale can make all the difference when it comes time for buyers’ money to hit your bank account. Even the most beautiful and immaculate homes aren’t set up to sell– they’re set up to house your family, enable your lifestyle, and bring you joy; and while those things are all what differentiate a house from a home, they mean little to prospective buyers.

That’s why partnering with a professional stager is critical to making a sale you’re satisfied by. Staging your home allows it to speak to buyers about their future rather than filling them in on your present. Below, we’ve rounded up five tips for those of you looking to stage your homes and make a sale this summer.


Five Tips for Staging Your Home to Sell This Summer


Keep things cool

The last thing home buyers want to do after a day spent checking out houses is walk into a glorified furnace. We’re all for cutting down on energy use– for your sake and the environment’s– but once staging begins and you’re trying to impress potential buyers, think about cranking the AC down a few notches. If you’re willing to let your thermostat hover around seventy degrees or so, you may become a favorite stop on the local real estate circuit.


Resist the temptation to ignore landscaping

Outer beauty matters– especially when it comes to buying a home. As temperatures and water prices begin to creep up, it can be tempting to allow your garden and lawn to go the way of the dodo. Don’t forget that the exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see as they come into the area; get creative with budgeting and water schedules to ensure your yard looks spick and span.


Set up outdoor seating

The perfect time for buyers to envision themselves out on the back deck on a sunny summer afternoon is to put them there! Make sure you have ample outdoor seating in place to help make it easier for prospective buyers to envision themselves in the home once you’re gone. Those chairs will come in handy when you’re showing the yard but need to beat the heat, too.


Offer refreshments

Drinks for a crowd are a cheap investment that could pay off big time. Whip up a pitcher of ice-cold lemonade, punch, or iced tea to offer to viewers once they come inside. They’ll appreciate the opportunity to cool off and socialize over tasty drinks before getting down to business.


Add pops of color

If you can swing it, add a few new pops of color to your space. This could mean painting an accent wall or going all out with trendy lawn decor and flowers, but it could be as simple as snagging a few bright pillows from the sale rack, too. Summer is all about bright, vivid colors– keep buyers in the mood and feeling excited about the season.

Hiring a professional stager to help you prepare your home for sale is an excellent way to ensure that your home’s value shines when it comes time to sell. At Creative Home Stagers, our dedicated team of professional stagers is always ready to tackle a new project. When you partner with us, your primary concerns and interest become our guiding principles throughout the preparation and staging processes.

Ready to take the plunge? Contact us today. A friendly, knowledgeable member of our staff will be eager to speak with you and help you begin to envision a clear path towards staging success.