

Not everyone has a talent for gardening. If you’ve got a “black thumb,” and you’re about to put your house on the market, there’s no need to panic about curb appeal! There are plenty of things you can do to make your home’s exterior stand out without a Landscape Architecture degree.

Creative Home Stagers helps Charlotte homeowners highlight the best features of their properties. Here are our suggestions for creating curb appeal this spring when you’ve got a black thumb.

  1. Think Paint, Not Plants

    Your home doesn’t have to look like The Secret Garden to thrill buyers! In fact, you’d be shocked what a difference a few cans of paint can make. If your home needs repainting, now is the time to invest. (Bonus: “Fresh exterior paint” is a selling feature you can market with!) The whole house doesn’t need painting? Consider a fresh coat on the front door and/or the exterior railings. Even if you decide not to change the color, new paint can really make your home’s details pop.

  2. Go Potted

    You don’t need to spend all weekend knee deep in soil to create a luscious entry. Potted plants are easy to set up and they come in all shapes and sizes. We like to place pots on either side of the front door for a dramatic eyecatcher, but you can also use them on porches, patios, and even on the edges of your front steps. Pansies, coral bells, violas, Lenten rose, and primrose are all ideal specimens for part-sun or full-sun containers this spring.

  3. Update Your Fixtures

    When’s the last time you updated your home’s outdoor “accessories?” We’re talking about the door knocker, the entry sconces, and even the shutters. If it’s been a long time since you replaced your door mat, your pathway lighting, or any other exterior feature, give it a critical look. Much like hardware in the kitchen or bathroom, updating some of your exterior’s well-worn (and potentially dated) details can go a long way towards making your home look refreshed.

  4. Clean, Clean, Clean

    Spring in the south means one thing: Pollen. Peak pollen season is usually in early spring, but the yellow stuff can continue to fall all spring long. That can wreak havoc on the appearance of your home, so do what you can before your first showings and deep clean your entire exterior, including the driveway. It’s worth it to clean weekly to remove unsightly pollen streaks from your deck, your steps, and your walkway and to keep exterior windows free of particulates, too. A clean home is always a faster-selling home.


“Curb appeal” isn’t inextricably linked with your landscape. Of course, your yard should always be tidy and well-kempt when your home is for sale, but there are a lot of little steps you can take to create a welcoming entryway for potential buyers that don’t involve soil.

Need help creating better curb appeal for your home?
Creative Home Stagers has decades of staging experience and we know the Charlotte market.
Reach out to us today to schedule your consultation.