

Spring is the perfect season to sell your home. The weather is mild, the long days accommodate more showings, and it’s the perfect climate for an open house. It’s no wonder spring is the most popular home selling season!

If you’re planning on putting your house on the market this spring, what can you do to make it stand out? You already know that when it comes to your home’s first impression, curb appeal is everything. Here are four ingredients for creating a welcoming spring entryway that will charm buyers before they even step foot inside.



Spring is all about color! It’s the season of freshness and rebirth which translates into bright, happy colors. That doesn’t mean you should paint your front door lime green, but it does mean your entryway should really pop. A few of the easiest places to add color include your front door (okay, neon green might not be a good choice, but a beautiful sage green is always in style!), potted plants outside the door, or even the trim around your house. We’ve never met a painted trim that couldn’t benefit from a little freshening up!


Spring is when everything is in bloom, and your entryway should be no exception. You don’t have to plant a nursery outside your front door, but you should consider what a few potted plants would do for creating an inviting entry. Bright, tailored greenery always looks good, as do simple potted plants like mums or pansies. If your yard has seen better days, it’s worth hiring in a landscaper to bring it back to life; if your neighbor’s grass is happier than yours, buyers will notice!


It’s hard to keep your entry clean in spring, especially in Charlotte. The constant barrage of pollen and rain showers makes it difficult to keep the outside of your house looking fresh…do your best. Start by hiring a pressure washer (or renting one yourself) to get the algae stains off your driveway and sidewalks. While you’re at it, hit any brick or strong painted surfaces, too! Then periodically sweep and wipe down (or spray) your entire entry to get rid of the dust and particulates that will inevitably build up.


Don’t forget: Your entry doesn’t start and stop outside! Consider what potential buyers will feel once they make it through the door. Is your actual entryway much, much darker than it is outside? Bring in as much natural light as possible to help open up your entry by cleaning windows and screens and removing any heavy window treatments. It’s also smart to consider a neutral, light color scheme for your entry’s walls and floors to further brighten the space.

Do you need help making your home spring-showing ready? The experienced team at Creative Home Stagers can help. We’ve worked with hundreds of sellers to make a splash on the spring selling market…how can we help you?

Reach out today for your free staging quote.