

Wallpaper. People either love it or they hate it, but when you’re trying to sell your house, you can’t afford for anyone to “hate” anything about it! Creative Home Stagers has been helping you stage around some of the biggest home challenges there are, but bad wallpaper is a doozy. Here are some suggestions to try before you put the For Sale sign in the yard.


Paint Over It

Yes, it’s sometimes possible to pain over wallpaper! It’s not always possible, though, so don’t even consider it if your wallpaper is scratched, ripped, or otherwise uneven. It’s a good idea to talk to a professional painter about whether your wall’s a candidate before pulling the trigger and remember, painting over wallpaper requires special attention. You’ll need to caulk around seams, spackle heavily-textured paper, and employ lots of oil-based primer. When choosing a paint color, always stick with something as neutral as possible to show off your home’s assets, not your color preferences.


Simplify the Room

In some cases, it makes more sense to work with a bold print wallpaper than to try and mask it. If the print isn’t totally offensive, simplify the rest of the space to draw attention to the wallpaper. Ground the room with a beautiful floor rug and try to create textural moments throughout using throw pillows and lampshades, layering the look of the space. When in doubt, go neutral when it comes to the décor you’re using in a room with distinctive wallpaper.


Consider Curtains

If the wallpaper is in a room with windows, neutral curtains could be a good way to cover up some of the wallpaper and decrease its square footage. Neutral tones always work best for curtains in homes for sale because they allow natural light to reflect off them. A professional stager can give you some tips and tricks on how to hang curtains so you maximize the size of your windows and make the entire space look larger.


Have the Wallpaper Removed

Stagers can work wonders but they’re not magicians! The good news is, removing wallpaper (usually!) isn’t as hard as you think. If the wallpaper in your home is so unique it’s going to put off buyers, you’re better off removing it altogether. This is especially true if the wallpaper isn’t just restricted to one room but is instead found throughout the house. A professional painter can easily and quickly remove most wallpaper and give your walls a fresh coat of paint. Bonus: Most buyers recognize that new-paint smell and appreciate a spruced-up home!

Do you need help staging a home with flaws? What if we told you all homes had flaws, and that it’s a stager’s job to maximize the best parts of your home while drawing the eye away from the less-than-desirable?

Creative Home Stagers is ready to help. Reach out today to schedule your in-person consultation with our experienced team.


