Professional home staging is a great way to “neutralize” a home that’s going up for sale. You want potential buyers to be able to see themselves in the home, and that’s hard to do if it’s full of a seller’s sentimental items. 


While some sellers plan to stage their homes on their own, it’s often better to have an objective opinion of what should stay and what should be removed before listing.


Home stagers provide a neutral-party opinion that can make a home look great and sell faster. With their help and support, sellers can feel confident that their home looks its best. 

That can help buyers feel more at home when they tour the house, encouraging them to make an offer. Here’s what to consider when you look into professional home staging services.

Home Stagers Bring Neutral Pieces

When a professional home staging company works with you as a seller, they will bring in neutral pieces to fit your home and its space. 

That could be everything from furniture to decorative items and artwork. The goal is to present your home in its best light and ensure there’s nothing in it that would bother a buyer.

While it’s true that buyers should be looking at the home and not the items in it, how the home is staged, and the kinds of things a seller has in it can definitely make a difference. 

The best way to avoid problems with this is to ensure everything in the home is neutral so that nothing will get in the way of the buyer’s assessment of the house.

Removing Seller’s Items Changes the Space

Not only will professional home stagers bring items to stage the space, but they’ll also make suggestions for anything sellers should remove.

If you’re unsure about some of the books on your shelf, for example, or if you’re concerned about the family pictures on the wall in the hallway, asking your stager can give you the insight you need.

Generally speaking, you don’t want to leave traces of your family and interests in the home. Instead, it should look more like a model home, with decor that’s not specific to you as the seller and furniture that has a neutral look.

Work With a Professional for the Best Results

Some sellers choose to remove their family pictures and knickknacks and take some of their furniture and other items to a storage unit. While you can do that, it still doesn’t give you an outside opinion of the space.

Instead, work with a professional staging company. Not only can they advise you on what to leave in your home when it’s listed and what to remove, but they can also bring the right pieces into the house to really showcase its beauty.

Many professional stagers also take photos and videos and provide high-quality cleaning services. As a result, you won’t have to do nearly as much to get your house ready to list so that you can have an easier sale and more peace of mind.